Four Things I've Learned So Far in 2017

August is just a few short days away. 

Dear 2017:

I see you! You're not slick.



This is not a post of complaints. I'm just keeping it real. And on the other side of this list are more blessings than I could ever write about. If you stay tuned, you'll see plenty of those posts.

Here is what I have discovered in 2017 so far (in no order):

1. A word that is suitable for describing a three-year-old human being who is currently attending preschool: Threenager. It is so perfect. The struggle has been real.

2. I love to write. It's my full-time job. But writing about subject matter you care NOTHING about is harder than I thought. I know nothing about playing video games. The only game I play is Toy Blast through Facebook. So writing proposals about game technology is...ummm...a challenge. Am I up for it? Sure, just keep the coffee coming.

3. I'm not always right. Okay, I've known that for a while, but I didn't quite know how to appreciate different opinions. Just because someone doesn't share my opinions doesn't make them wrong, it just makes them super wrong. Just kidding. I'm learning to learn from others. And because I've turned up my listening ears, I'm learning a lot and appreciate each moment.

4. Finding a church home isn't easy. I've been praying and praying for God to lead me some place where my children and I will be blessed. So far, I've attended services where one of two things happen:

a. My children LOVE their children's church experience and I leave feeling empowered by a motivational speech centered around one scripture without learning anything about the Word of God.
b. I enjoy the service (for the most part)...although a tad disjointed, and the kids are bored in their children's church - they tell me they don't want to go back.

I continue to pray for the Lord's guidance in this area because it's critical for us to find a church home where we can learn the Word of God and grow! I don't need back flips in the pulpit, but just some good sound doctrine.

What have you learned in 2017 so far? Leave your comments below!


  1. I'm still a work in progress on #3 too, so don't feel bad! Good post!

    1. You too? Whew! Glad I'm not alone. Thanks for stopping by!!
